Upper Pit River – Modoc National Forest


Midslope Road


Stewardship West is collaborating with the Modoc National Forest and with private landowners and other federal, state, local, and tribal partners to improve forest health in the Modoc National Forest. Other collaborators include NRCS, Pit River Tribe, Modoc Nation, Fort Bidwell Tribe, Modoc County Board of Supervisors, Modoc County Farm Bureau, Sierra Nevada Conservancy and the CAL FIRE’s CCI program. All collaborators participate in the development of the Modoc 10Year Vegetation Plan. Stewardship West and the Modoc National Forest will partner to proactively treat green, dense, and overgrown portions of forest land to improve forest health and increase forest resilience against the threat of catastrophic wildfire. 

The tailored approach will proactively “treat the green” and strengthen forest resilience on a landscape level, rather than utilize a “treat the black” post-wildfire restoration treatment caused by a catastrophic wildfire. The larger project is forest-wide targeting powerline fuel breaks, with a small focus area designated as the Hollenbeck Hazardous Fuels Treatment Project. 

This project will strengthen forest health for critical threatened and endangered species such as white bark pine, enhance forest resilience to wildfire and climate change, improve public safety, increase water quality and quantity, and reduce wildfire carbon emissions. Improving stand health will also benefit threatened wildlife species. 

Midslope Road

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