East Tornado Mastication Project

This Bid has come to a close, check back later for more details. Thank you for your consideration and interest in working with Stewardship West.

Email all questions to Luke@stewardshipwest.org and all answers will be posted here.

Stewardship West is thrilled to announce that we are accepting bids for 209.3 acres of mastication work on the Pike San Isabel National Forest for the East Tornado Mastication Project. The project is located sixteen miles west of downtown Colorado Springs, CO on USFS land. This project is a shared stewardship contract with the USFS and will be administered on behalf of the USFS by Stewardship West.  The project site is at 9,400’ in elevation, the forest type is dry mixed conifer and is predominately comprised of Ponderosa pine, Douglas-fir, and limber pine.  The project is located off the Pikes Peak Highway adjacent to Crystal Reservoir on USFS land.  

 A bid sheet is linked here that prospective bidders must fill out and submit no later than Midnight July 1st, 2024.  We are asking prospective bidders to bid on both tasks for a per acre rate. While overall per acre price is a major consideration for selection, bids will be evaluated by a committee based on ‘best value’ criteria. Best value considers both price criteria and non-price criteria. Non-price criteria may include, but are not limited to, past performance, work quality, experience, estimated date of completion and benefits to the local community. Strong preference will be given to bids that can complete the work by December 31st, 2024.


Will you consider a contractor that wants to use a harvester and track chipper?

Yes, if the work completed meets all the specifications. Contractors are required to provide a list of the equipment they plan to use on the bid form.

Can you clarify the stump height requirements?

The minimum stump height for this project is 6” for Task 1 and Task 2. For Task 1 many of the stumps are not upright, but the 6” will be measured from the root collar to the top of the bole regardless of the orientation. This distance cannot exceed 6”

Are we required to masticate the stumps and root balls?

No. If you are planning to do this be sure and call this out in your bid package. This is above and beyond what the SOW requires but would be given due consideration under the best value criteria that all bids will be evaluated under.

Will camping be allowed on site?

Yes, so long as the location is on USFS property and obtaining a special use permit from the USFS

If there is snowfall will the contractor be responsible for plowing out the road for Units 2,5,6?


If there is snowfall will the contractor be responsible for plowing out the road for Unit 3?

No, Co. Spgs. Utilities maintains the road and keeps it plowed, although in the event of a major snowstorm, it may take a few days for them to get it plowed.

It says that preference will be given to bids that state they can be completed in the calendar year 2024, if a contractor cannot complete the job in 2024 will they still receive consideration?

Yes, they will still be considered. Bids will be evaluated using “Best Value” While overall per acre price is a major consideration for selection, bids will be evaluated by a committee based on ‘best value’ criteria. Best value considers both price criteria and non-price criteria. Non-price criteria may include, but are not limited to, past performance, work quality, experience, and estimated date of completion. Strong preference will be given to bids that can complete the work by December 31st, 2024.

Can we move equipment on the Pikes Peak Highway?

Yes, so long as the following conditions are met:

i. Equipment must have CLEAN rubber tires or rubber tracks and do not leave debris/mud on the


ii. Metal tracked equipment is not allowed on the pavement of the PPH.

iii. Equipment can only be moved with a 24 hour notice to Stewardship West and PPH

iv. The movement must take place outside of the PPH operating hours as specified in the scope of work

v. Radio communication must be established with the PPH road crew prior to moving onto highway and operator must ‘call out’ the mile markers on the radio as they pass them

vi. Flashers on the equipment must be activated while on the PPH.

What is the deadline for the job to be completed?

As stated above strong preference will be given to bids that can complete the work by the end of 2024. The work can be done in 2025 if necessary.

Can you clarify the requirements for conifer removal in and around Aspen Clones?

Clarifying language was added to that Task 2 specification and now reads as the following:

• Where aspen clones are present, cut ALL conifers under 10” diameter at stump height (DSH) within 75 feet around the aspen clone.

• Retention of 10-30 conifers per acre is NOT APPLICABLE to Aspen Clone areas

1. Aspen clones are defined as: At least 25 individual aspen stems greater than 2 inches of DBH in

a 1/10th acre area.

2. OR In areas where at least 25% of the stems in an area are aspen stems greater than 2 inches of DBH in a 1/10th acre area.